Cyber war update, end of November, beginning of December 2023
30/250 cyber war update, end of November, beginning of December 2023
NoName target Italy Port authority
LockBit add USA phi victim to portal
NoName targets Ukraine energy companies
hunter international adds crystal lake health center with 140 GBa of data to portal
newly formed cyber toufan operations starts backing Israel
LockBit adds multiple USA clients like BNP media
Cactus ransomware adds 3 victims from USA and Belgium
snatch group adds victim from turkey
alphv adds group from Indonesia
8BASE adds victims from USA,Canada, Italy, Switzerland
cyber toufan operations claims breaching Ikea's Israel
cyb3r Drag0nz defaces turkey websites
NoName target multiple Canadian government sites
Lockbit adds more victims to their portal from USA, Italy, Germany
NoName targets multiple Denmark websites
Akira ransomware adds more victims to their portal from USA, Australia
altoufan team continues targets with Bahrain airport and Gulf Air
INC ransomware adds 7 new victims to their portal from Germany, USA, Australia, Canada
NoName claims multiple targets in Latvia and their gov
NoName continues attacking Bulgaria like president of Republic
anonymous collective targets Israel manufacturing company Kornit
LockBit adds jewelry company from India
alphv adds victim from USA who's a law firm
MEOW adds 8 victims to their portal from singapore, Nigeria, USA,
alphv adds two victims from Australia and USA to their portal
cloak group adds Canadian law firm to their portal
forums are selling a USA victims data around REI systems which is a tech company working with us gov
NoEscape adds two victims from USA
NoName claims 8 victims out of Poland of courts, banks, and metro
vendettamafia releases two new products are DDoS and Botnet services
NoName continues attacking Poland companies including Senate and polish radio
Qilin ransomware adds two victims from USA tech companies
LockBit add hospital from China to portal
Blacksuit adds two victims to portal from Netherlands and USA
Medusa adds two USA victims to portal
Alphv adds clatskanie people's utility district to their portal
60/250 cyber war update, and of Nov - beginning of December 2023
NoName target multiple sites out of Spain and Lithuania like metro, courts and buses
anonymous algeria continues attacking Morocco university
ghostr has breached medical days of 2.7 million of India
anonymous algeria attacks Israel HQ solar Edge
USDoD posts travel plans but is he baiting the Internet police?
NoName targets various Italy, Denmark, Latvia, Bulgaria, and Spain companies
YourAnonTI3x targets Japanese companies
team NWH security claims to have targeted various Indonesia companies
NoName targets a couple German companies
LockBit adds two victims from Canada and Nicaragua
cyber toufan breaches various Israel companies whether school or health
LockBit adds two more victims from Italy and France to their portal
Medusa adds two victims Sargent and Accu medical lab to portal
NoName targets victims out of Finland like cyber security center and railways agency
BianLian adds two victims to their portal from USA and Canada
Akira ransomware adds victims from Italy and Netherlands (utility)
anonymous algeria claims to have taken down London's airport
anonymous collective starts targeting companies out of Greece called Opgreece
WeedSec launches a new forums called "dumped"
NoName Targets two banks out of Bulgaria
after trying to sell everything ransomedVC seems to be back hacking and attacking
SiegedSec claims telegram has taken out their channel but have pivoted
ghost sec breaches Israeli building provider Aharon
Indian cyber defaces various sites out of Pakistan
IRox teams claims to have stopped hacking during Gaza cease fire but states with attacking various French companies and Israel
cyberattackers have released 27,000 BAR association members based on filings to Vermont and Maine
NoName targets 8 companies out of Canada like chamber of commerce, bankers association, Treasury board, and Senate of Canada
server killers target government of Romania
90/250 cyber war update, end of Nov - beginning December 2023
black suit adds the city of new river community college and city of Huber heights to their portal
NoName confirms attacking Canadian airport and port authority
USDoD claims to have breached interpol website
anonymous Sudan had a black Friday offering for cheaper DDoS services
data from MGM breach was recently seen circling various breach forums
UserSec reportedly offering training via vnc
ALPHV adds two new victims to portal from Canada and USA
ThreeAM adds victim to their portal called carell Blanton and ferris
Akira ransomware adds legacy mail management out of USA
CL0P adds north Carolina central university to their portal
WeedSec reportedly loses access to telegram but then group blacksec reports taking it over locking out WeedSec admins
NoName targets various Switzerland companies
LockBit adds STS aviation groups out of USA to their victim portal
qilin ransomware adds Chinese company to their portal
UserSec defaces various companies out of Ukraine, France, Poland
Rhysida ransomware claims north Carolina University and Bangkok university
snatch Ransomware claims Canadian psychological association
NoName claims couple companies from Czech Republic
RansomHouse claims first financial security inc with 0.3 TB of data
daixin team has added North Texas Municipal water district to their portal
cactus ransomware adds four new victims to their portal from Canada, USA, Belgium, France
PLAY ransomware adds 17 victims to their portal from USA, CANADA, UK
8BASE adds 8 victims to their portal from Italy, France, Canada, USA, Australia
hunters international adds USA victims first housing development
LockBit adds UK and USA victims to their portal
NoName targets Italy companies like stock exchange and transportation
anonymous BG claims various South Korea victims including gov
RansomHouse ads Alps Ltd out of UK with 0.1TB of data
alphv adds China petrochemicals development corporation with 42GB of data
Medusa adds great valley school district
LockBit adds arpege master k out of France
NoName continues attacking italy company
Akira ransomware adds three victims out of Spain, Canada, Mexico and USA
anonymous algeria targets companies out of India
snatch adds Jerry pate company out of USA
Medusa adds chetu Inc out of USA
blackbasta adds two new USA victims
NoName attacks various companies out of Spain
blacksuit adds city of DePauw University
NoEscape adds USA and Spain victims to their portal
120/250 cyber war update end of Nov - beginning December 2023
NoName continues attacking Spain
BianLian adds Canadian victim
knight ransomware has add Brazil victim
anonymous algeria claims to have breached Indian portals of various gov, education, technology companies
anonymous algeria attacking Israel Tower semiconductor company
Akira ransomware has added Switzerland bauwerk boen group
hunters international adds USA covenant care as a victim
LockBit adds Hampton Newport news CSB
anonymous algeria claims to have breached various Indian companies within communications and meteorological
Gulf Air confirm previous notes breach of 200 million records
NoEscape adds victim to portal from Costa Rica with 60 GBs of data
NoName targets multiple companies out of Germany including banks and transport with police
German construction company for sale on breach forums, $700 for a 5$ Billion company
UserSec carried out a couple of attacks against France and Poland companies
GhostSec allegedly leaks 151 GB of data for Aharon an Israeli company
VulzSec starts hacking Indian gov and legal sites
anonymous algeria has breached a Moroccan university lecturer portal and has 15,000 credentials
anonymous islamics has allegedly breached an Israeli company BTI
Qilin has allegedly breached top auto manufacturer out of China Yanfeng
Nixon cyber teams has pivoted away from pro Palestine hacking into attacking Indian companies
top five ransomware countries USA, ITALY, CHINA, AUSTRALIA , GERMANY
TOP 5 Ransomware groups LockBit, 8BASE, BlackCat, MEOW, INC ransom
shadowfox, and Indian company allegedly has their data up for sale in a breach forum
allegedly breach forums are selling Indian company HLL Lifecare and a security company out of European union
Team UCC claims to have breached Pakistan satellites GNSS receiver
VulzSec announces collaboration with group Garuda out of Indonesia
anonymous BG announces DDoS against India, Korea, USA, Israel, and France
We Red Evils have claimed breaching Marine Security Agency
VulzSec claims to have breached indian institute of company secretaries with Garuda group
cyber toufan announces of will leak data of Israel companies
150/250 cyber war update end of Nov - beginning of December 2023
database of the embassy of Indonesia in Buenos aires has allegedly for sale in fourms
allegedly Intelbrokers has Dunkin brand up for sale on a breach forum
Tunisian clay hacker team claims to have hacked Israeli soft drink company with 285,000 private records
VulzSec with Garuda allegedly leaks data of ministry of defense Israel
cyber toufan operations have allegedly wiped 300 databases and 50 servers belonging to ISCAR out of Israel
anonymous algeria allegedly hacks Indian bank naroda nagarik of 30 GBs of user data
team one piece allegedly hacks dorot medical center out of Israel
cyb3r Drag0nz allegedly breached BrainIT out of Israel
NoName057 allegedly carries out DDos against various Spain companies
anonymous algeria allegedly breaches Indian company CGCA general communications accounts
GlorySec allegedly breaches Palestine state media
blackcat announce HTC global services breach out of USA
Xaknet claims to have breached NATO training platform for elearning
CISA posted new information around LockBit and the Citrix exploit CVE 2023-4966
VulzSec announces partnership with Nusantara which will launch against Israeli companies
anonymous algeria allegedly breached Seed certification out of India government Tamil Nadu
top ransomware groups in Nov 2023 - LockBit , play, blackcat, black basta , NoEscape, 8base, Akira, hunters, INC ransom, BianLian
Cyber Error System claims to have breached India company jayamukhi institute of technology sciences
cyber toufan operations allegedly breached Toyota Israel database
INC ransom adds USA victims to portal
ALPHV adds victim out of Germany
anonymous Sudan starts a campaign against UAE by attacking Dubai airports
LockBit adds Egyptian company elsewedy electric
hunters international adds to USA victim to portal one being St Johns river water management district
NoName targets multiple companies in Switzerland and Czech Republic and Canada like banks, airports, courts
anonymous Arabia announce alleged attack against UAE First AbuDhabi Bank
NoName targets 11 Spain and Italy companies including transportation
anonymous collective allegedly takes down biggest Greece mobile network Cosmote
180/250 cyber war update end of Nov - beginning of December 2023
LockBit adds 6 victims to their portal from Canada, USA, UK
NoName targets companies out of UK including metro, swiftcard and council sites
LockBit adds 5 to their portal out of USA, India, Israel, Trinidad
play adds 20 victims to their portal out of USA, Canada, Sweden, south Africa, UK, Netherlands
NoName targets Czech republic with Prague stock exchange, transportation, airports, and various banks
cyber toufan lists various victims out of Israel to their platform
Indian government warned of a "cyber party" on December 11th called opindia
anonymous Sudan starts another wave of alleged breaches in European union against CERT EU, ENISA
LockBit adds 2.2 TB of UK company LivaNova
NoName claims various companies out of Poland including banks and metro
daixin adds graphic solutions groups out of USA
NoName targets various German and Belgium companies including banks
userSec claims to be recruiting interns for a portion of their team including defacing sites
anonymous global invites hackers to join in targeting Israel
altoufan team claims to have breached court of crown Prince Salman bin Hamad website and servers
WeRedEvils claim to have breached Istanbul international airport
cyber toufan operations allegedly breaches Ikea of Israel of database of 400,000 users
anonymous Arabia carries out DDos against Israeli railways
snatch ransomware has announced alvimedica
NoName057 allegedly carried out DDos against polish websites
464 ransomware victims announced by groups in November
ByteVigilante and Moroccan Black Cyber Army have announced targeting a town in France 'nice' for Israel support
anonymous Muslim carries out DDoS against various Israeli sites including MSM
ByteVigilante and Moroccan black Cyber Army team up targeting Toyota Ghana
NoName057 starts targeting German websites
LockBit Ransomware has announced Aldo out of Canada as a victim
cyber toufan operations has announced breaching sodastream a PepsiCo subsidiary out of Israel with 100,000 customers
anonymous Arabia announces new DDoS service calls Boss net
210/250 cyber war update from end of November - beginning December 2023
altoufan team targeted Bahrain NEC financial corporation servers
lulzSec Muslims allegedly breach Anobit a subsidiary of Apple
SiegedSec claims to have breached government employee records of Hendersonville
cyber toufan operations announces it will halt during ceasefire
Intelbrokers claims to be selling data from DARPA and GE
Altoufan team claims to have breached Beewise a large Israeli argo tech company
anonymous algeria claims to have breached Moroccan company SupMTI
anonymous collective allegedly DDoS Israeli American company Kornit Digital
anonymous Arabia claims to have disabled systems of cellcom
anonymous algeria claims to have breached ministry of construction and housing for $10k
cyber toufan operations allegedly leaks data from toy r us and 160,000 Israeli user data
anonymous Arabia allegedly carried out a DDos against London City airport with its support for Israel
cactus Ransomware adds Spain victim CIE automotive to its victim portal
Skillnet announces they are looking for new team members to carry out DDos, osint, swatting
allegedly Brazil database for sale of Uni Global telcom with 420,000 records
anonymous collective announced targeting Greece for its support with Israel
rhysida ransomware announces Spain victim Tcman
VulzSec DDos against United nations commissioner for refugees UNHCR
shad0de allegedly breaches rishabh software out of India
anonymous Sudan carries out DDos against sky new arabia UAE, and the economist news paper in London
anonymous collective DDoS attacks against various Greek websites
cyber toufan operations allegedly has a database up for sale against company SEACRET
NoName057 allegedly carries out DDos against several Czech Republic companies including Prague airports, tax administration, internal affairs
government of Canada disclosed breach of Canadian armed forces and royal Canadian mounted police
patient is forced to get biopsy in USA as Ontario hospital was under ransomware attack
blacksuit lists city of Huber heights in their victim portal with 129GB of data
Texas Wesleyan university discloses breach of SSN, medical information, and passport by Cl0p
newfound memorial middle school closed due to malfunctioning boilers from ransomware attack
Medusa listed great valley school district with it being 102+ k-12 school breached this year
240/250 cyber war update end of November - beginning of December 2023
tazewell county government breached by ransomware which is 81st this year and 47 have known PII stolen
SW Ontario hospitals hit with $480 million lawsuit over ePHI stolen
city of Hendersonville hit by cyber attack which is 82 local gov hit this year
Oregon cluster hit by ransomware which disrupted radio insight
security flaw In court record systems that are used in five states leak sensitive information
blacksuit lists Henry county school with cyber attack
Grove Port Madison schools dealing with cyber attack with 1875 school impacted by ransomware
Glendale community college get hit with cyber attack which is 77+ post graduate hit this year
PLAY group adds GRTC transit system to add to list of transportation breaches including BART, Chicago, Vancouver, Cape cod, Rhode Island and Montreal
INC ransom lists tri city medical center out of San Diego
university of Wollongong has been hit by cyber attack
Hinsdale schools get hit by Medusa Ransomware attack
the national right to work legal defense foundation has been breached by LockBit
rhysida is auctioning Chinese government owned energy data for 50 BTC
CHIMERA group has breached dutch chip manufacturers NXP for over two years 2017-2020
MEOW leaks data around breaching Vanderbilt health medical center
qilin ransomware claims biggest breach of Yanfeng out of China
North Texas Municipal water district gets hit by daixin ransomware
rhysida ransomware allegedly breaches North Carolina central university
national aerospace laboratories CSIR out of India has been breached by LockBit
TCW investment management has allegedly been breached by LockBit who manages over 200$ billion out of Los angles
king Edwards VII hospital in London has been breaches by Rhysida ransomware
US seizes Sinbad crypto mixer used by North Korea Lazurus group
the science history institute museum and library in Philadelphia breached by NoEscape
2023 Ransomware totals - 953 LockBit, 403 BlackCat, 386 cl0p
hunters international reposted plastic surgeon breach out of Los angles
Florida department of environmental protection allegedly has one of their five water districts breached by hunters international
IRC engineering developed PoC fiber connect with Cisco has been breached by blackcat
colonial pipeline under the microscope again by USDoD
blackcat allegedly breaches utility company out of Vietnam ho chi min city energy company
275/250 cyber war update end of November to December 12th 2023
alphv posts breach of Tipalti and attacking effected clients like twitch and Roblox
blackcat announces breaching Portland Oregon clatskanie people's utility district
BianLian seems to be hiring journalists and pentesters
metropolitan area planning council serves 101 cities alone Boston has been breaches by LockBit
alphv breaches traffic and criminal software TraCS out of Florida
LockBit allegedly breach university of Quebec
LockBit posts citizens bank of west Virginia on portal and calls them greedy
45 new ransomware groups have been detected starting up in November
tri city medical center hospital servers was bamboozled in oceanside Carlsbad California and re routed emergency services
the intrepid sea air and space museum in NYC allegedly has been breached by PLAY
rhysida ransomware claims breach of Slovenian utility HSE
LockBit claims breaching la policia national of Peru
one of the first Japanese cities has been breached by LockBit, kitahiroshima
memorial Sloan kettering, one of the top cancer hospital of USA hit by MEOW
cyber toufan operations his three new Israeli companies
LockBit ransomware releases new USA, Netherlands, qatar, Malaysia, Japan, Vietnam, and German victims
rhysida adds insomniac games to portal
starsX team claims multiple Indian government sites to their portal including insurance and police
Akira ransomware adds the teaching company out of USA
UserSec adds multiple German companies to site including police and gov courts
NoName continues to target Sweden banks, insurance, and two ports
blacksec and bunnyfunz allegedly breached direct trading technologies
anonymous Sudan allegedly carries out DDos against which is operated by blizzard entertainment
threatsec claims Chinese application Tieniu as victim
anonymous Arabia allegedly conducted cyber attack on Spain company Zara
R00TK1T issues statement in attacking Qatar companies who finance conflicts in middle east
anonymous operations vendetta carries out DDos against ChatGPT for 60 seconds
anonymous collective carries out DDoS against UAE government because of Israel support
32 industries have claimed ransomware against them which manufacturing, PS and technical services, information services, health care and entertainment being the top
cyber toufan operations leaks database of Israeli store semicom
cyber criminal seem to be setting up shell companies out of Wyoming whom are conducting global cyber attacks
XSS vuln has been causing chaos in counter strike 2