The Microsoft GitHub Incident: A 38TB Data Breach Caused by Human Error

The Microsoft GitHub Incident: A 38TB Data Breach Caused by Human Error
Photo by Ed Hardie / Unsplash


In a world where data breaches are becoming increasingly common, even tech giants like Microsoft are not immune. A recent incident involving an unintentional GitHub misstep by a Microsoft employee led to a massive 38TB data breach. This article delves into the details of the breach, the swift action taken by Microsoft to contain it, and the lessons that organizations can learn from this incident.

The Unfortunate GitHub Misstep

A Microsoft employee accidentally shared open-source AI training data on GitHub, resulting in a 38TB data breach. The breach exposed more than 30,000 confidential Microsoft Teams messages, private keys, and passwords. Cybersecurity specialists at Wiz Research discovered the leak and promptly notified Microsoft. The company's Security Response Center team assured customers that their data and services were not compromised.

The Root Cause: SAS Token Misconfiguration

Wiz Research detailed the incident in a study, revealing that an excessively permissive Shared Access Signature (SAS) token was the root cause. SAS tokens provide access to Azure Storage resources, and in this case, a misconfigured token allowed unauthorized access. Two former Microsoft employees' personal computer backups were among the exposed data.

Immediate Actions Taken by Microsoft

Upon notification, Microsoft promptly secured the storage account by removing the SAS token, effectively stopping the leak. The company also provided post-incident analysis and best practices, including limiting access rights and setting SAS URLs to expire quickly. Microsoft committed to improving detection and scanning capabilities for over-provisioned SAS URLs.

Lessons Learned: The Importance of Proper Security Configuration

This incident highlights the importance of proper security configuration in cloud-based systems and the vulnerability of even large organizations to human error. It also underscores the need for continuous security improvement in the face of evolving threats. Organizations should consider the security risks associated with SAS tokens, including excessive permissions, long lifetimes, and management challenges.

Recommendations for Managing SAS Tokens

  1. Treat SAS Tokens as Sensitive: Treat them as sensitive as account keys.
  2. Use Service SAS with Stored Access Policies: This allows for more granular control.
  3. Leverage User Delegation SAS: Use this for time-limited access.
  4. Monitor SAS Token Usage: Employ secret scanning tools for proactive security.

AI and Security: A Growing Concern

As AI adoption grows, businesses must address security threats at every stage of the AI development process. Collaboration across teams to mitigate risks effectively is crucial. Microsoft's incident serves as a cautionary tale for organizations venturing into AI and cloud-based solutions.


The Microsoft GitHub incident serves as a stark reminder that even the most robust systems are not immune to human error. While Microsoft took swift action to rectify the situation, the breach highlights the need for stringent security measures, especially in the era of cloud computing and AI. Organizations must continually update their security protocols and educate their teams to mitigate the risks effectively.

Disclaimer: This article is based on the information available at the time of publication and may be subject to updates.

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